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What To Do With Ashes After Cremation

by Hadaway & Denton

clock 5 min
Losing a loved one is a deeply personal experience, and the decisions surrounding their final arrangements are just as individual. If you've chosen cremation, you might be wondering what to do with the ashes. The truth is, there's no single "right" answer. The best choice is the one that feels most meaningful and fitting for you and your family. We've put together a blog to help you explore the many possibilities for honouring your loved one's memory with their cremated remains:

Traditional options

When it comes to honouring your loved one's memory after cremation, several traditional options offer meaningful ways to cherish their legacy. Whether you prefer a permanent resting place in a cemetery, a personal memorial at home, or a symbolic scattering in a cherished location, each choice holds unique significance.


Burying ashes in a cemetery plot provides a permanent resting place where family and friends can visit and pay their respects. Ashes can be interred in an urn, a biodegradable container, or directly into the ground. Many cemeteries offer dedicated scattering gardens or urn gardens with beautiful landscaping, providing a peaceful and tranquil setting for remembrance. You can choose to inter the ashes in an existing family plot or purchase a new individual plot.This allows for the placement of a headstone or memorial plaque to mark the burial site.

Keeping the urn at home

Bringing the urn home offers a simple and intimate way to keep your loved one close. It allows you to create a personal memorial space within your home where you can reflect on their life and cherish their memory. Urns come in a wide variety of styles and materials, allowing you to choose one that complements your home décor and reflects your loved one's personality. Display the urn on a mantle, shelf, or dedicated table, creating a place of remembrance and comfort.


Scattering ashes can be a deeply personal and symbolic way to honour your loved one. Choose a location that held special meaning for the deceased, such as a favourite beach, mountain, forest, garden, or any place that evokes cherished memories. Consider holding a scattering ceremony with family and friends to share stories, offer tributes, and collectively celebrate their life. Ashes can be scattered directly by hand, using a scattering tube, or by incorporating them into a biodegradable scattering urn that dissolves in water.

Creative options

For those seeking more personalised and distinctive ways to memorialise their loved one, a variety of creative options exist, transforming ashes into cherished keepsakes or tributes that celebrate their life in a way that truly reflects their unique spirit.


Incorporating a small portion of ashes into beautiful pieces of jewellery allows you to carry a tangible reminder of your loved one with you always. Pendants, rings, bracelets, and cufflinks can be crafted with delicate settings for ashes, often featuring birthstones, engravings, or other personalised touches. Numerous artists and jewellers specialise in creating custom memorial jewellery, offering diverse styles and materials to suit your preferences, from elegant sterling silver to vibrant glass.

Glass art

Skilled artisans can transform ashes into stunning glass sculptures, paperweights, or decorative orbs. These one-of-a-kind creations capture the essence of your loved one in a timeless and visually captivating form. The ashes can be incorporated into the glass itself, creating mesmerising swirls and patterns, or encased within a clear glass bubble, forever preserving their memory.


For a truly unique and celebratory tribute, there are companies that can incorporate a small amount of ashes into fireworks. This can be a beautiful way to honour someone who lived life to the fullest and loved vibrant displays. Imagine a breathtaking display of light and colour illuminating the night sky, a fitting farewell for a life well-lived.

Planting a tree or memorial garden

Ashes can be mixed with soil to nourish a newly planted tree or incorporated into a memorial garden. This creates a living memorial that symbolises life, growth, and enduring remembrance. As the tree flourishes or the garden blooms, it serves as a constant reminder of your loved one's presence and the impact they had on your life.


Ashes can be mixed with paint to create a one-of-a-kind artwork that reflects your loved one's personality, passions, or interests. This can be a deeply personal and meaningful way to cherish their memory. Whether it's a portrait, landscape, or abstract piece, the artwork becomes a tangible representation of their spirit and a source of comfort and inspiration.

Reef creation

Some organisations specialise in incorporating ashes into artificial reefs, which provide a habitat for marine life and contribute to the health of our oceans. This eco-friendly option allows your loved one's legacy to support a thriving ecosystem and leave a positive impact on the environment.

Vinyl records

For music lovers or those who cherished a particular song or message, a small amount of ashes can be pressed into a vinyl record. This unique and enduring tribute allows you to listen to their favourite tunes or words, forever preserving their voice and memories.

Scattering by drone

For those seeking a truly unique and breathtaking tribute, aerial scattering offers a unique way for those seeking to scatter cremation ashes over their loved one's favourite location. There are companies that use a highly modified radio-controlled drone for low-altitude air dispersals. This allows your loved one's ashes to be elevated, providing a final, panoramic 360-degree view of their cherished place before being gently and slowly released across the sky. It's a beautiful and symbolic way to say goodbye, allowing your loved one to soar above a landscape they held dear.

Things to consider

Choosing how to memorialise your loved one with their ashes is a deeply personal decision. To ensure a meaningful and respectful tribute, it's important to consider several factors that can guide your choice:

Legal and environmental considerations - Before making a decision about how to memorialise your loved one's ashes, it's essential to research and understand the local regulations regarding scattering or burial. Some public places may have restrictions or require permits, while environmentally sensitive areas may have specific guidelines to protect the ecosystem. If you're considering scattering on private property, always obtain permission from the landowner beforehand. Additionally, be mindful of the environmental impact of your chosen method. Opt for biodegradable urns if scattering in natural environments, and avoid scattering in areas that could harm plant or animal life.

Family preferences - It's important to have open and honest conversations with your family when deciding how to memorialise your loved one. Everyone might have different feelings and ideas about what to do with the ashes. Encourage everyone to share their thoughts and listen to each other with respect. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to feel, and it's important to find a solution that feels right for everyone involved. This is a shared decision, and by working together and being open-minded, you can create a lasting tribute that honors your loved one and brings your family together.

Religious and cultural beliefs - It's crucial to be mindful of any religious or cultural customs that may guide your choices regarding the handling of cremated remains. Different faiths and traditions hold varying beliefs and practices surrounding death and the afterlife. Some may advocate for specific rituals or prescribe certain methods for the disposition of ashes. By understanding and honouring these beliefs, you can ensure a respectful and appropriate memorialisation that aligns with your loved one's faith and cultural background. Consult with religious leaders or cultural advisors if needed, as they can offer valuable guidance and support in navigating these sensitive matters.

Personal meaning and connection - The most important aspect of choosing a memorialisation option is to select one that truly reflects your loved one's personality, passions, and values. Did they love the outdoors? Perhaps scattering in a favourite natural setting or planting a tree would be fitting. Were they artistic? Consider incorporating their ashes into a unique piece of art. Think about how you want to remember and honour your loved one. Would you prefer a permanent memorial, like a burial plot or memorial garden, or a more ephemeral tribute, like scattering ashes at sea or launching them into space? Ultimately, the most important factor is choosing an option that feels right for you and your family, one that fosters a sense of closure, peace, and connection with your loved one's memory.

Final thoughts

The journey of memorialising a loved one is a deeply personal one, and the options for what to do with their ashes are as diverse as the lives they lived. Whether you choose a traditional path, a creative expression, or a unique tribute, the most important factor is selecting a method that resonates with your heart and honours their memory in a way that feels meaningful to you and your family.

We understand the complexities of this process and are here to offer compassionate guidance and support. We can help you explore the various possibilities, navigate legal and environmental considerations, and ultimately create a lasting tribute that celebrates the life and legacy of your loved one. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to memorialise with ashes. The perfect choice is the one that brings you comfort, peace, and a continued connection with the one you hold dear.
By Hadaway & Denton

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